Wednesday, June 13, 2007

To Hell With You!

This is our ticket to Hell. Luckily it wasn't a one-way ticket!

This bus is headed straight for hell!

That's us, the two poor unsuspecting souls.

This is apparently the water they serve from hell. Look closely at the little letters below. It says Natural Mineral Water "from the Aso". I'm not quite sure I want water that came out of someone's ass-o. That's just nasty. But hey, I guess when you're in hell you don't have a choice???
Here is the Devil, watching over his dominion.

It's hot in hell!!! Look at all that steam!
Even more steam flowing from underground!

Apparently there are still some nice areas in Hell. To lure you into a false sense of hope.

This little pathway has GOT to be a trick!
It leads to a boiling mud bath!

This is known as the "Sea Hell". It is a boiling pool of naturally blue water.

Another boiling mud pit!

This is a pool known as the "Blood Pool". I thought it was more brownish than red, but OK!

And so our trip ends, and we return to the hotel. The next day is filled with memories of another kind of Hell....


Anonymous said...

You're such a tease...there's always a "next day" post. :o)

Glad you enjoyed hell so much (I think). ha

Jane Doe said...

Haha...your friend gave you bunny ears!

Ano the Blogger said...

Haha, yea and I didn't even post about the "next day" on the next day? I'm bad aren't I!

And hell was pretty cool! Although it was kind of stinky with all the sulfur around.

By the end of the day my clothes were coated in sulfur!

Kitty - Yea he did, didn't he!?!?! Evil!

Anonymous said...

Is that really a natural hot spring? Like can you go skinny dipping in there for cutaneous therapy?

Anonymous said...

What's the sign next to the devil say? All I could make out was the 2 bold words in the beginning, "Demon Mountain."

Ano the Blogger said...

Yes, that is a natural hot spring. Although these are considered "Super-Hot" springs. I.e., the water is boiling.

In other words, you cannot sit in these springs unless you want to be boiled alive!

I have no idea what the sign says -- but if you click on the picture you can get a bigger version. I can't read chinese so how about you translate for us?? :)